SEH has the following Offered Specialties and Super-Specialties
Cataract and General Ophthalmology: Cataract is the most common cause of blindness universally and it takes a single surgical procedure to gift the patient his vision. The aim of this clinic is to cater to the largest volume of patients so that preventable blindness can be cured.
In keeping with the latest technology available for cataract surgery, the clinic’s state-of-the-art surgical procedure relies on the best Phaco machines and Foldable lenses that require 2.2 to or 3 mm incisions.
Onan average, 100-150 surgeries are performed every day. SEH has introduced the next generation Multifocal and Toric lenses as a part of the treatment.
Glaucoma: Glaucoma, the second most common cause of blindness universally, is often misdiagnosed or under-diagnosed in the clinic’s service area. The clinic aims to provide quality clinical care and patient satisfaction while ensuring that appropriate investigations are advised and carried out in time, and laser, medical or surgical treatment performed.
The latest diagnostics such as SWEP Source OCT, Humphrey 850 Visual field analyser, Fundus Photography are available and investigative tools such as Slit lamp, Applanation tonometer, Gonioscope, CCT, HFA and YAG-Laser.
Vitreo -Retina-: The clinic uses clearly defined protocols and top-of-the-line facilities for investigative modalities to treat vitreoRetinal-cases. Advanced vitreoRetinal surgery is performed in all fields such as Retinal detachment, macular hole surgeries, Sub Retinal Fibrosis Removal.
SEH have State-of-the-art instruments used by the clinic include 3D OCT, Double frequency YAG laser, Diode laser, Angiography and Videography system, 3D B scan, advanced Retina-vitreous system in the Operation Theatre including a top-of-the-line model Accurus, and 3D slit lamps and Videography system.
Cornea: This clinic manages the cornea outpatient department, performs corneal as well as cataract and emergency surgeries, and manages postoperative cases.
It is fully equipped - using advanced tools such as Slit Lamp, Keratometer andpantacam specular microscope CCT - to perform medical treatment of Cornea-related, Ocular trauma and Ocular surface surgery, and handles 30 patients a day on average. With the support from Sightlifeinternational SEH performing on an average 100 surgery and corneal transplant in a month and also planned to have Lasik machine for Refractive surgery.
Paediatric & ophthalmology Orthoptics: SEH is the only hospital in the region that offers full-fledged Paediatric and Orthoptics eye care services; not surprising since eye surgeries for children require exceptional expertise and are time-consuming. Another challenging aspect of Paediatric eye care is that, unlike in adults, treatment must be provided immediately because the child’s optical system is still forming and delayed treatment can result in permanent eye damage. All fields of eye care - Cataract, Glaucoma, Retina, and Cornea are addressed. Approximately 70-80 children are treated a day and 100 surgeries performed a month.
Orbit & Oculoplastic: The Orbit & Oculoplasty department offering comprehensive diagnosis and clinical/surgical management aesthetic/functional abnormalities in the eyelids, the orbit region (bony structure around the eye) and the lacrimal system (tear drainage system); abnormalities present since birth or caused by accident or disease. The department has marched ahead with ushering in more ancillary services & catering to an ever and increasing number of patients day to day facilities forcustomized artificial eye shell (oculamint) are also available.
Low Vision Aid: The Low Vision aid clinic is a global initiative to eliminate needless blindness, is targeted at patients whose impaired vision cannot be restored through conventional treatment such as medication or surgery or spectacles. This clinic provides patients with a range of low vision aids to assist in better vision rehabilitation.